Conjoint analysis originated in mathematical psychology by psychometricians and was developed since the mid-sixties also by researchers in marketing and business. Conjoint analysis (CA) is often used to evaluate how people make decisions between a set of different options when considering a number … Read more
In humanitarian contexts, it’s not always possible to use a statistically representative dataset in order to infer the relative weights to be used for each criteria from the full vulnerability scorecard. The only options is to use multiple expert judgement in order to Define relative weights to be … Read more
This example is based on the note: A new index of refugee protection. It explainss the construction of a lack-of-protection index (or “index of protection risks”), a composite indicator constructed from two sub-dimensions: safety problems (18 indicators) and movement restrictions (6 indicators). To … Read more
In this tutorial, We will see how to build a severity index using a key informant interview dataset. Building such index, also called [composite indicator](a composite indicator, is among the regular and expected task of any humanitarian data analyst.The objective is to summarize information into a … Read more